Wednesday 15 April 2020


Structural Features of Adverts

The written explanation of the product.
Analysis based on what it says, placement of text, for type and size, colour.

An advertisement headline is designed to be the first copy for the potential customer reads.
It should grab the attention of the reader.

The subheading usually spells out or elaborates the promise made in the headline but is not always present.

It is a phrase that describes the benefit of the product/ the product's most important attributes.
The term slogan comes from the Gaelic words sluagh gairm, meaning battle cry.

A symbol or other small design adopted by an organisation to identify its products.
It is very carefully designed and will feature on all adverts and the products themselves.

Central Image:
The main (Biggest) image on the advert.
It will often be stroking in order to grab the attention of the consumer

The particular style of font used on the advert and helps to create brand identity.
The same style will be used on all advertising

Brand Identity:
How a business wants to be perceived .
Components of the brand- name, logo, tone, tagline, typography.
These are created by the business to reflect the value the company and to appeal to its customers.

Representation of Adverts

Aim of the print
Denotation and Connotation
Media language- Camera shots, Mise En Scene, Typography, Editing.
Representation of males/females
Representation of Themes
Representation of the brand
Psychology- Which human needs/wants is it satisfying.