Sunday 3 May 2020

Music Video essay

Explain how representation in music videos are chosen to promote the artist(s). Refer to one of the music videos you have studied to support your answer. [10]

In media representation is the presentation of an individual, a particular group, community, experience, ideas or a topic from a particular ideology. In relation to Corinne Bailey Rae song 'Stop where you are' the representation of the song is in a positive uplifting manner. Where she associates herself with a diverse rang of people of are suffering and being misjudged. As CBR moves elegantly between each individual, it promotes the fact she is able to interact with everyone peacefully and equally. This then highlights her uniqueness as an artist because she is trying to convince to her audience, her kindness and her willingness to acknowledge and deal with the unacceptable issues of prejudice.  One stereotype she tries to disprove is the mental strength of men and the mental weakness of women. She does this by showing in her music video a stressed, lonely man with his dog. She then comes in and helps the man to become proud and happy. Again this positive representation promotes her as an artist, signifying that its not only women that mentally struggle in life but men as well and that both genders need each other .

Another way Corinne Baily Rae is represented is through one of the individuals in the video. The girl in the blue hoodie. The young women could represent her younger-self. The colour blue connotation of sadness and how she has suffered. Which corresponds to her past life, her partner passing away and her feeling that there was  .This then contrast to the red dress she is now wearing. The red dress connotation is love, women empowerment or danger. This also corresponds to her right now. A strong independent, brave women. The comparison of the blue hoodie to the red dress is how she has grown as a person and become happier. This also makes her unique as an artists because her fans know and can see how she has changed as a person, growing stronger as the years went on.