Monday 13 January 2020

Daily Mail front cover evaluation

1) what was the task you were given and who was your target audience?
We told to make a Daily Mail front cover who's targeted audiences are middle-aged men and women.
2) what research did you undertake and what did you find were some of the typical convention of a Daily Mail front cover- layout, types of stories, fonts
I researched a Daily Mail front cover and based my one of that. I knew the Daily Mail love the royal family so I made a fake story about Kate being pregnant. For my main story I spoke about a stabbing in East London. The Daily Mail always a have an advertisement on top, so I created my own version. For their font I used one which looks most like the Daily Mail font.
3) Which Daily Mail cover did you use as your main source? Insert. What are your observations from this source?
Unfortunately I cannot find the the front cover that I had used
4) Which areas did you find most challenging?
Finding the right front cover to copy and trying to use the correct font and making sure the spacing is correct
5) What was you initial feedback? What did others say about your production? How successful was do you think it is?
My initial feedback was to leave less white spaces as the Daily Mail always try to fill all the spaces
6) Identify what went well and with hindsight what you do to improve/do differently.
The picture I used and the advertisement looks really real and nice but the overall front cover looks bad

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