Tuesday 1 September 2020

Documentary OCR notes

 three-minute opening sequence of a documentary for BBC Three and two web pages on the BBC Three website about the documentary

Summary of brief requirements: 

Statement of Intent (approx. 500 words).

Opening sequence for a documentary: One, three-minute opening sequence. 

Broadcast channel and time: Content must be suitable for BBC Three. 

Number of web pages: Two web pages. 

Cross-media production target audience: A socially-conscious, 16–25, middle to upmarket demographic.

There must be a clear sense of branding across the two elements of the cross-media production.

Opening sequence must include (as a minimum):

Range of camera shots, including shot distances, angles and movement as appropriate to a


• Editing of footage and sound.

Soundtrack, which should include voice (voiceover and/or diegetic voices), sound effects and

appropriately edited music.

• At least two different uses of mise-en-scène.

• At least two characters representing at least two different social groups (e.g. as defined by

age, gender, race and ethnicity, sexuality).

• Graphics/titles to include the title of the programme. 

The production of the web pages must include (as a minimum):

Original audio or audio-visual content which may include material from the programme but

must include at least one element produced specifically for the website.

A minimum of two original images (with at least one different original image on each of

the two pages). These images must be different from those produced for the television


Appropriate conventions of website design, following the conventions of BBC Three web

pages (including articles).

Text introducing the main features of the programme.

Working links from each page to the other page.

A range of appropriate media language techniques (typography, images, fonts, backgrounds,

logos, etc.) as appropriate to the purpose of the website.

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