Friday 27 September 2019

Media language-notes-understanding the use of sound and editing

What sound or edit has been included
Why has it been included
Screen time- The girl is on screen at pivotal moments in the plot.
When the mood changes, when the action begins/ends.
This allows the audience to identify her as the guide in the film.
It also allows us to emphasise with her as an innocent victim.
Change in tempo music starts slow, then speeds up until it stops and there is complete silence.
Mood of diagetic music is parallel to the plot.
Music slowly dies out until silence- this is done to enhance the screen time.
Speed of the transitions and the type of transitions changes.
Slow fade cuts           straight cut at fast pace.
Speed enhances the chock for the audience and, also creates complete confusion so that when the bodies fall apart and drop, the horror is far greater.
Sound effects and volume when people are being killed
“Slash sound” “squelching” enhances the volume.
Realistic music echoes- changes the pace from being calm to the action starts. The echoing is foreshadowing the ghosts plus it sounds like being underwater.

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