Friday 28 February 2020

Radio 1 breakfast show with DJ Daan

The task i was assigned to was to replace Greg James and become the new DJ for Radio 1
I was the DJ, Louis Hoard was my celeb guest and Ella was my producer
We though of a new game called guess the movie, where we would say a famous movie line and have people call up and try to guess what movie its come from.
I interviewed Louis who was the baby sun face on telletubies and is now in a movie called 1917
I chose to play M Huncho Pee Pee and Lewis Capaldi See you soon. The reason for playing these tracks was because those songs appeal to a variety of people.
The running order was: Coming up next, newsbeat, interview, guess the movie
My target audience was 15-29.
To appeal to my audience I played a variety of music and had a famous guess come on my show.
To fit the PSB remit I informed and educated the audience through newsbeat. I entertained my fans through the quizzes.
To improve my content I should have had an audience member to call in.
My audience feedback- If it was less scripted, if the audio gain were better, include audience member, Daanyal sounds sad,

Saturday 22 February 2020

Radio 15 mark Q

Q. Explain why popular music programmes struggle to gain recognition as Public Service Broadcasting. Refer to the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show to support your answer.  

A. A Public Service  Broadcaster, also known as a PSB has three aims. These are inform, educate and entertain. A PSB is not allowed to have paid commercials but they are financed by the public.

Radio 1 is funded through TV licenses other stations tend to be funded by advertisements such as commercials. As Radio 1 is a PSB its main three aims is to entertain, inform and educate, non-PSB music programmes prioritise their advertisers over their audience.
Because of this PSB programmes such as Radio 1 breakfast show can take advantage as they only have to inform, entertain and educate and not have to worry about advertisements. They fullfill the PSB ethos through a wide range of entertainment. For example they have Newsbeat which Informs the audience of the latest news and sports headlines Unpopular Opinion which keeps the audience engaged as it allows them to participate in the game. Greg James recently had Stormzy to comment on the unpopular opinion a child had given which was he dips his McDonalds chips in his milkshake. Other Stations are unable to compete with the amount of games and quizes as they don't have the time as Radio 1 has because they need to advertise their investors.

Looking at the top 10 radio stations in the UK only two station are run as a PSB (Radio 1 and Radio 2).  This on the other hand shows popular music programmes do not struggle too much . This may be because they have record labels who fund them and in return ask to play a certain artist a number of times a day, they also have advertisers who will also fund them but ask to be advertised a certain amount of times a day and/or at a certain time of day. These deals prevent stations from presenting a wide range of different musicians and shortens the amount of time they can plsy games or music before having to play adverts. This can unengage audiences as they have no interest in listening to investors but it appears to not affect the radio stations, as Heart is the most popular radio station as it is not a PSB and they are still able to play over 450 tracks every month which although is not as much as radio 1 with 3,850 tracks it still is enough to attract a big audience.

In conclusion popular msuic programmes do struggle to gain recognition as much as Public Service Broadcasting is because of the fact they do not full-fill the 3 aims a PSB does (which are entertain, educate and inform). Instead they focus on entertaining and pleasing their advertisers and record label deals. So they have to play a certain amount of adverts a day/hour which can upset their audience as their not interested in the advertisers as well as playing an artists song a certain amount of times a day, which is not being diverse with the music. Where as PSB radios such as Radio 1 breakfast full-fill all three ethos and constantly mix things up to make sure the audience does not get bored.


Q. Explain how audiences use radio differently. Refer to the BBC Breakfast Show to support your answer.

Audiences listen to radio in lots of different situations – at home, in the car and at work. What all these have in common is that the audience can do something else while the radio is on.
Audiences who listen to their local radio may use the radio to keep up with local news as well as help them feel connected to their community whereas car drivers may use the radio to keep them occupied and to pick up information about traffic jams. Listeners at work (especially builders) may use the radio for unobtrusive background noise.

Listeners at home may use the radio 1 breakfast for companionship, especially if they are alone. This is because the Breakfast show, hosted by Greg James loves to have the audience involved through quizzes and game shows such as unpopular opinion or yesterday’s quiz.

Sports fans will use Radio 5 Live or Talk Sport to find out about sport. Classical music fans will listen to Classic FM or Radio 3 for the sort of music they like. The audience may also use Radio 1 Breakfast Show (who targeted audience are 15-29) to wake themselves up in the morning with some lively music, to feel connected with other fans of pop music with their tales of being stuck in traffic on the way to work, to find out about celebrities in the guest interview. It may be that older listeners still listen to Radio 1 to remind themselves of their youth or keep in touch with their children’s musical tastes. The show is designed to fit around the busy lives of its audience in the morning by only consisting of short pieces that don’t require long periods of concentration, this makes it very suitable as background listening in the home, on the way to school or in the car.

In conclusion audiences use the radio in many different ways such as to keep them occupied on a journey or to have the radio on at work so you have a noise to listen to or to keep updated on your local news. But most importantly as technology has moved on so has the radio. No matter where you go you will always be able to access the radio through downloading a radio 1 breakfast show episode on your phone or having a classic radio player play the radio live.

Friday 14 February 2020

Radio 1: 20 Question

1. How long has Greg James been presenting The Radio 1 Breakfast show?
For two years in 2018, took over from Nick Grimshaw

2. What is the age range of the target audience that the R1BS aim to attract?15-29

3. What are the main differences between R1BS and commercial stations' breakfast shows like Capital FM?
R1BS is a PSB - Public service broadcasting

4. List as many ways audiences can access Radio 1 that you can think of. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Iplayer(sounds), any type of radio

6. Which professional body regulates Radio and how might this affect what is broadcast?  Ofcom

Wednesday 12 February 2020


BBC Radio

Targeted audience:
Radio 1: 15-29 years old
Radio 2: >35
Radio 3: 6-12
Radio 4: 35-54

Radio 5: 25-34

National Commercial Services:
Founded in 1996 National commercial services is a nationally licensed and fully insured Subrogation and commercial collection agency located in San Fernando Subrogation Valley (in Los Angeles).

How does the BBC radio market itself?
They often use their own stations, official websites and social media channels as platforms to promote forthcoming shows, new presenters, or the general brand identity of the station itself.

What is a public service broadcaster?
Public Service Broadcasting (PSB)is broadcasting made, financed and controlled by the public, for the public.
It is neither commercial nor state-owned, free from political interference and pressure from commercial forces. Through PSB, citizens are informed, educated and also entertained.

How is Radio 1 a public service broadcaster?
They inform, educate and entertain. They also show any commercials and aim to entertain people of all ethnicity's.

Targeted audience:
Radio 1: 15-29 years old
Radio 2: >35
Radio 3: 6-12
Radio 4: 35-54

Radio 5: 25-34

National Commercial Services:
Founded in 1996 National commercial services is a nationally licensed and fully insured Subrogation and commercial collection agency located in San Fernando Subrogation Valley (in Los Angeles).

How does the BBC radio market itself?
They often use their own stations, official websites and social media channels as platforms to promote forthcoming shows, new presenters, or the general brand identity of the station itself.
Who are the top radio stations targeting?
BBC Radio 1: 15-29 years old
BBC Radio 2: >35
Classic FM: >35
Capital FM: 15-34 years old
Heart FM: 25-44 years old

What is Cross-platform marketing?
also known as cross-media, is a reference to the state of your advertising spanning multiple media types, e.g. tv, mobile and paid search. ... Anyone with a decent budget advertises across multiple platforms/media types.

How has the ways in which audiences listen to the radio changed over time?
Audiences are now able to access the radio  through their phones, tablets, cars and computers. Compared to a decade decade ago where you could only access it on the radio.

What are the radio regulations?
The ITU Radio Regulations regulates on law of nations scale radio-communication services and the utilization of radio frequencies. 
It is the supplementation to the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU Constitution and Convention).